Become a CM Provider

How to Become an AICP CM Provider


The APA-MA Chapter is already a CM Provider and has led CM events for planning professionals.  In addition, the Chapter has enjoyed partnering with organizations, agencies and companies in order to create a valuable educational experience that qualifies for CM credit. One of the key benefits of partnering with APA-MA on CM events is that the chapter can register the event and coordinate CM registration with APA National. Below are the steps involved on how you as a prospective partner may take advantage of the chapter CM Provider status. These requirements are set forth by APA National. For any questions about being a CM provider or partnering with APA-MA on your next event, please contact the Chapter’s Professional Development Officer (PDO) at:

  1. Important! An APA-MA Chapter Board member would need to be involved early in the planning/organizing of the program and/or speakers, etc. Contact information of Chapter Board members is provided on this site. Please contact us right away.
  2. Once the event details are determined, the prospective partner must download and fill out the Application for Certification Maintenance Credits for Single Events or Application for Certification Maintenance Credits for Multi-part Events (e.g. conferences or any event with multiple distinct credit opportunities). 
  3. Since the APA-MA Chapter is already under a Payment Plan that includes registration of CM sessions, no fee to APA would need to be paid by the prospective partner.
  4. APA-MA Chapter Board will submit the documentation for the event, with input from the prospective partner and the speakers (ie, their bio’s, etc.).
  5. APA-MA Chapter would also promote the event via the New England Planning newsletter, Chapter website, email listserv and email marketing tool (ie, Constant Contact).

Benefits of APA-MA Partnering

  • AICP CM registration of your event by APA-MA’s PDO.
  • Promotion of the event to over 1,000 planning professionals within Massachusetts.
  • Communication about the event on the chapter newsletter, website, email announcements and listserv.
  • The inclusion of CM Credit for an event has shown to increase attendance by professional planners.
  • Opportunity to celebrate the event afterward with a post-event article with photos in the chapter newsletter.
  • Potential for financial support of the event to assist with event enhancements (ie, snacks, beverages, or lunches).

Remember, the sooner you contact us, the more we can help publicize your event.

Requirements of APA-MA Partnering

In exchange for providing CM Credits to a non-CM Provider, the APA-MA Chapter requires the following:

  • Insert the APA-MA Chapter logo and APA/AICP CM logo on the event’s flyer, website, email announcement, and program brochure or other handout. These will be provided by the PDO upon approval of the partnership.
  • List how many CM credits the event is seeking (ie, “This event is being submitted to AICP for CM|2.0“) on conference material (brochures, handouts, website, etc.).
  • Acknowledge the APA-MA Chapter during the event when listing sponsors or supporters or partners.
  • Submit and/or maintain (for 2 years) all sign-in sheets, evaluations, and program details. Evaluations are required by APA National for all CM programs.
  • Larger events seeking higher amounts of CM credits may be requested to provide an agreed-upon number of registrations to APA-MA members and/or other methods to acknowledge the APA-MA investment in the event, such as an exhibitor booth, poster board, etc.

Please Note: You may not indicate that the event is CM Eligible until it has been confirmed with the Chapter PDO, or on the CM website, that the CM credits are available. Beginning in October 2015, all events entered by approved CM providers will appear on the CM Search web pages immediately after submission, without additional review by APA National.